Have you ever read a fantasy book that inspired you to hit the gym? Last month, I reread A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas and fell in love with Nesta Archeron and her bookish Valkyrie tribe all over again. I just find this book oddly empowering. By overcoming her demons and achieving peak fitness, Nesta inspires me to get my life together. Physically. Mentally. Even spiritually.
So, here’s what I’m doing. I’m going to start with giving up my vice. For Nesta, it’s alcohol (among other things). For me, it’s sugar. Sugar has got to go. When I feel tempted to indulge, I’m going to do like Nesta and hit the steps. In the book, she attempts 10,000 stairs. I bought a mini-Stair Stepper for this purpose (affiliate link, but worth checking out while it’s on sale).
Second, I’m going to do simple daily exercises to strengthen and tone my body. I’ll start with squats, pushups, planks, and situps, increasing the number as the weeks go by. I’ll also make 30 minutes of cardio 4 days a week a regular thing.
Third, I’m going to focus on my friendships and building up the women in my life. After all, I have to recruit others into the Valkyrie ranks.
Once I’m in decent shape, maybe I’ll take some sort of martial arts. Hopefully, I’ll be battle ready in no time. Anyone want to join?