Friends, I’m excited to share that I’ve officially crossed 50,000 words in the sequel to A Chord of Silver Moons! Hitting this milestone was not as easy as it was when I was writing Book 1. Over the years, I’ve written several “first books” of a series but very few sequels. This is the first sequel I’ve ever written with publishing in mind, so I definitely feel the pressure to get it right.

With each chapter, I’m learning more about Aryam and the other characters, the worldbuilding and lore, and how what’s happening in Beldemar resonates with what’s happening in our world.

(Sidenote: Last month, I revealed the cover of A Chorale of Beating Hearts—and I’m in love! Here it is in case you haven’t seen it yet.)

Like I said, writing a sequel has been a new and challenging experience for me. In the first book, I created everything on the fly. In the second book, there’s still some of that happening, but I also have to balance continuing the story from Book 1 with making sure Book 2 can stand on its own. After all, I don’t want to bore anyone!

My approach?

I loosely outlined this book before writing it—something I didn’t do with ACoSM—using the Save The Cat! method. This helped ensure that ACoBH has its own narrative arc with a compelling plot. In my opinion, it’s just as fun and wild as Book 1, with its own uniqueness.

Now that I’ve crossed the midpoint and am spiraling toward the dark night of the soul, I feel very confident in the direction the story is taking. Once I finish the first draft—currently a lovable hot mess—I’ll go back and write the second draft, layering in stronger connections to the first book and refining the storytelling.

Overall, I’m proud of what I have so far. Though I’m writing more slowly, I’m still on track to release this book sometime this summer—if not in late July (my goal), then in early August. I’ll spend March revising and have this book in the hands of beta readers by early April.

Something I’ve realized?

This series is shaping up to have four books, not three. I already have a title and plot in mind for Book 3, but with the addition of Kyrel Durago’s point of view in Book 2—and the complexity it adds to the plot—I’ve realized we need more time.

It’s going to be fun, and y’all are going to love it.

Keep reading, writing, and being awesome!

Until next time!



Next Goals for Book 2:
🎯 Finish Draft 1 by March 7
🎯 Finish Draft 2 and send to beta readers by April 11